Thursday, September 25, 2014

jokes of my mother

Why did the elephant paint his toenails all different colors?

So he could hide in the jellybean jar!

I grew up with that as one of my favorites! Mama had several jokes about elephants, but that is the one which leapt into my mind the moment I saw this bracelet.
The shop had two of the bracelets and I bought both of them. I shared the joke with the young clerk, but I don't think she really appreciated it.
My first niece will.
She knew Mama. She knew her as Grammy, but she still knew her, and that is what matters.
Before I leave town tomorrow, I will stop in at Sun Dollar to see if perhaps more of those bracelets have been located. I would like to have one for each of my great-nieces.
Not exactly a piece of my mother to share with them, but definitely a piece from my memory collection.
A favorite moment.

Here are a few more of those jokes.

Why did the elephant paint his toenails red?

So he could hide in the apple tree!

Why did the elephant paint his toenails orange?

So he could hide in the orange tree!

Why did the elephant paint his toenails green?

So he could hide in the watermelon patch!

Corny, sure, but also funny, especially to kids.

I sure hope they will have more of those bracelets.

1 comment:

faustina said...

Looking back at this post tonight, I couldn't help but notice this one from earlier in the month.

Maybe that is what put elephants to the forefront in my mind.
Maybe that is what prompted me to explore the strip mall and drew me into Sun Dollar.
Maybe that was the universe trying to salve my spirit.
Thanks, Mama.